The Yosl Scholarships
Yosl and Phil Broder during a visit to Chinese kite festivals in 2013.
My father and original Fly Market backer, Yosl Broder, died from cancer on 30 October 2017. Dad liked telling stories and meeting new people. He didn't need Facebook to make friends; he had friends everywhere he traveled, and made new ones easily. When he died we heard from his friends all over the world. So I'd like to do something to help North American kitemakers make some new friends from other countries.
Fly Market Kitemaking Supply is pledging at least $1000 annually (and $1500 in the first year) to pay for North American kitemaking workshops to bring instructors in from other countries. The goal is to encourage "cross pollenation" between North America and the rest of the kitemaking world. Preference will be given to new faces, instructors who have never taught in North America. We've seen quite a few interesting and original kites, designed by people who speak passable English, who just need a little help in navigating the workshop instructor application process.
Who can apply? Any organization presenting a kitemaking workshop. It can be an established event (e.g. Fort Worden, OKR, U-MAKE, Junction), a onet-time event by a club, or something new. If John Q. Kitemaker wants to organize a workshop in his basement, fantastic!
What's a workshop? A kitemaking class of at least 5 students, open to anyone who wants to participate. It should result in a finished product (i.e. PowerPoint presentations or discussions of techniques are not workshops in and of themselves).
Where? Anywhere in the USA, Canada, or Mexico, with instructors coming from outside North America.
What can the scholarship be used for? It can pay for an instructor's workshop-related expenses (travel, lodging, meals, materials), but not for sightseeing or for the instructor to be a student in other classes.
Any documentation? We'd like to see receipts justifying expenses, photos from the class, and a set of plans/diagrams for online publication after the workshop.
How can you apply? Send an email or letter to Fly Market with details on who the scholarship will be for, what the project is, workshop details (date, location, registration info), and anything else you consider relevant., or 3452 Lisburn Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, USA.
Is there a deadline? No. We realize that workshops happen at all different times of the year, so it's difficult to pick one date for applications to come in by. Instead, we'll look at applications as they come in. Of course, that means that early applications probably have a better chance, so do some advance planning. If funds are available, more than one scholarship may be awarded each year.